November 3, 2013 – Week 45 Summary

3/11/2013 with

If you missed any of the episodes published in last week’s batch, here’s the quick run down: we have content ideas for you to keep those content juices going, an interview with Rand Fishkin of for Traffic Jam Episode#22, and of course, our weekly release of Traffic Toon where we inject humor in the world of SEO and social media.

coming up with ideas


Finding it a challenge to keep up with content ideas for your website? This week’s SEO tip shows that content ideas are practically all around you, you just need to know where to look.

Watch the episode here and get started on your list too!


TJ with James and Rand Fishkin WATERMARKED


Rand Fishkin, CEO of is this week’s guest at Traffic Jam. He tells all his secrets to success in the world of SEO and inbound marketing in Episode#22.

Find out what it takes to be successful in SEO too, listen in to Traffic Jam here.



social media cartoon 11

What would happen if our medical doctors incorporate this in to their practice? This week’s Traffic Toon look’s at Twitter updates – are all updates necessary?

To watch other posts on Traffic Toon, click here.