There’s lots of great things going on in the world of internet marketing this week. Google celebrated its 15th birthday with a new update to its algorithm, Veravo founder James Reynolds is invited to guest at Dubai One Media News to speak about SEO, and we have 5 design tips for your landing page too!
James Reynolds chats with Dubai One Media News Host Gary Fairlie on the trends in the world of search engine optimization and where Google is leading the world of online marketing.
Watch the video clip of the TV Guesting here.
Happy 15th birthday Google! While most would be reminiscing on the growth of Google, we take a different path and view what else Google can give now that it has reached 15 strong years.
Celebrate Google’s success and see what else it can offer us in this video.
This week’s Adwords tips highlights five design elements that you can use for your landing page to make sure that you get the highest number of conversions possible.
Click here to find out what these desirable design elements are.
How often do you update your Facebook status? It might be a good idea to leave a wee bit of privacy for yourself (especially if you are planning a crime).
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