This week in our SEO and PPC news and tips we have no follow links: when to use them best, and how to track conversions coming from your adwords when these clients take longer to convert.
If you make use of other websites to establish your authority and name within the online community, you might be unknowingly participating in a link exchange that can harm your online standing.
Find out what I mean by watching the video here.
If your nature of business is something that deals with expensive items, you might have prospects and leads who take longer than a month to decide whether they will be making a purchase or not. This used to be impossible to track, but with the new custom conversion window, tracking for leads who take up to 90 days to decide is now possible.
Take advantage of this new update, watch the video on how to set it up here.
This week’s traffictoon tackles does a humorous take on Google’s recent decision regarding keywords.
See what else we can laugh and chuckle about in the world of traffic and SEO by viewing the past episodes of traffictoons.