TJ1 – Facebook Marketing For Business With Victoria Gibson

21/1/2013 with

victoria illustration watermarkFacebook traffic is the hot topic of discussion in this inaugural first episode of  The Traffic Jam podcast. James Reynolds is joined by Facebook marketing specialist Victoria Gibson from

Victoria’s expertise is in creating effective brands on Facebook, helping businesses reach out to large audiences of hungry buyers, and create ongoing and valuable dialogue with customers and prospects.


    • How even un”sexy” businesses can harness Facebook
    • Using events in your Facebook marketing
    • How to get your Facebook strategy right
    • Content posting and frequency tips
    • Effective images to post on Facebook
    • How to set up your page for maximum effect
    • Tracking conversions for profitable ROI
    • What’s working on Facebook right now
    • On-Facebook Vs off-Facebook landing pages
    • Page post ads, sponsored stories and promoted posts explained
    • Avoid these mistakes
    • Whats coming next on Facebook….


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Welcome to the maiden voyage, episode numero Uno of the Traffic Jam podcast. The show that blends traffic chat from the world’s leading traffic experts with cool musical jams. Coming up on the first episode we have an interview with Victoria Gibson from Melbourne- based Facebook Marketing Agency Marveo. Victoria is someone I have known very well as we are buddies inside James Schramko’s Silver Circle, which on a side note is an absolutely killer business mastermind group and at the time of recording this is actually open for new members so if you’re doing 6 figures in revenue and need to take it to seven, I suggest you check out

Anyhow, Victoria is a totally switched on marketer and an expert in Facebook ads and Facebook engagement, so stay tuned with my interview with her a little later on.

 We’ve also got this week’s news in traffic where I’ve got updates across all traffic channels as well as the section I’m calling The One Minute Traffic Tip and that is exactly what it says on the title. All of these is coming towards the end of the show, so don’t go anywhere, stay tuned.

 Before we get stuck into the main course, I’d like to give a shout out to Paul Thomas, he is my good friend, DJ extraordinaire, and producer who supplied the opening track for the podcast. The track is titled Skaramooshand it’s out on Tall Room Records. To find out more about Paul, checkout

 So let’s get right into the main section of the show and that’s the special feature with Victoria Gibson.

 James: Victoria, welcome to the Traffic Jam Podcast.

 Victoria: Thanks James, it’s great to be here.

 James: Victoria, obviously, I know you and you know me, but would you like to share with our listeners a little bit more about yourself and what you do as a Facebook marketing specialist.

 Victoria: Sure, so I have an online presence where I interact with the community and a list of people wanting to know more how to use Facebook for marketing their own brand or for their clients. I provide advice and tips on my website and my blog and my Facebook page, my website is and my Facebook page is I have a business where I manage clients’ campaigns so I take an integrated approach across Facebook using Facebook ads and pages to get the best results and the most effective campaigns that connect with my clients’ target customers. I’ve got those two facets where I coach and help people online but I also deal with clients one on one with their campaign management too.

 James: I’ve observed what seems to be a real growth in Facebook business pages of late. I’m getting almost daily requests to like my page, sometimes on businesses that on the face of it are not really suited to Facebook marketing. Would you consider Facebook a platform still more suited to social or lifestyle businesses or is it a case now where anyone can get their business on Facebook and get success?

 Victoria: I think it is getting to a point now where pretty much anybody can, it is all in the execution and most people are not doing execution well. Big brands obviously, straight ahead as far as that’s concerned and a couple of smaller brands by virtue of the fact that they don’t have big marketing budgets are doing a great job too. But, I am sure you’ll agree that when you browse around on Facebook really good pages are, and Facebook presence, are few and far between. Great looking and effective Facebook ads are even harder to find but it’s getting a lot better. There are definitely some things that not, people even approach me and say things like, the things that come to mind, there are people who approach me, cabinet makers and I am like I don’t even know what you’re doing, you know industrial cabinet thing, I don’t know it does not interest me at all, and I am sure it does not interest the bulk of people on Facebook either. And I just said to them, well that is going to be one hard thing to sell on Facebook. So something bland and boring like that is going to be difficult to sell. I think you can pretty much put anything on there but there’s going to be things that work a lot easier than others, I mean even if you think about it, something as unsexy as a purse, Facebook is a brilliant channel for them, if it’s not about selling, it’s about customer service, and hearing your customers and responding to their queries, concerns and creating advocates across Facebook. And you know, even something as unsexy as taxation has a place on Facebook. It’s in people’s live and that gives them something they can interact with. The things like well-loved brands, consumer brands and musicians and as you said some restaurants lifestyle venue these are going to do better than taxation firms. But as I said before, selling this on Facebook to really, well a lot of the B2B stuff is a lot more difficult to get moving on Facebook.

 James: You’ve got an agency, right? Over at, why don’t you give us some examples? I’m sure a breadth of different types of businesses and entrepreneurs, who have you been able to, without giving names if that’s private; you have you been able to get the best results for?

 Victoria: You know what; it’s not so much the specific product or service that makes the difference as the brand and the marketing and setting up the channel the right ways. If people had created their branding well and if they are recognizable or people come to their brand, it’s easy what they stand for and that they can be unique. Then that’s a great set- that client will always do better than those who really have a traffic website and they’re trying to drive traffic on Facebook. Those that have an established brand or at least an established brand identity if they’re new are going to do much better on Facebook with their Facebook marketing than those that don’t. Things like shopping malls are great because they are a part of the community so they have already got a natural kind of community thing going on so it’s easy to replicate that in Facebook. And also by virtue of the demographic targeting you can really get to their audience very easily. Things that are visual, things that are easy to share, imagery, or brands that have a lot of images that are great to share are easy to market on Facebook as well. Because you know photos are really the half of the success of Facebook and why people love to interact so anything that can be quite visual. So we’ve done live events, we did a big 3 day Halloween event or festival or something. So things like that got a lot of support. Little did I know that there are a lot of Halloween freaks, Halloween is not that big in Australia so there is almost like a subculture of horror fans and vampires and zombies. All these subcultures were then finding their little community on this events page, they are all drawn by the common dread of Halloween and these sort of spooky attractions and rides and I think the most surprising things can happen on Facebook and when I landed on marketing the Halloween event on Australia I was like, oh this is going to be a stretch, but in fact, it’s not once you tapped into the right people and that’s what I love about Facebook is that it takes all kinds and generally they are there. So definitely things that still have an element of their own physically in the community can do well – so shopping mall, events, online companies that have a good personality attached to them, and that use video, those work extremely well. And anything in fashion and music is bound to skyrocket on Facebook as well.

 James: Got it, okay, so we have established that pretty much all those businesses, other than those cabinet makers can do something on Facebook even weird and wacky stuff, but I guess before people jump on board they do want to jump on Facebook right now, let’s face it, there has got to be some sort of strategy behind it, you just don’t go in there, create a page, start posting some random stuff and creating ads that are not targeted or don’t have any thought behind it, what should be a good question to post to get the strategy right for a business wanting to do this?

 Victoria:  Well, obviously, as with any good marketing, it starts with a strategy and keeping that one goal in mind: What is going to be your prime goal? Is it going to be getting more targeted leads which is really what I advocate for where appropriate. It also depends on what you sell, your price point, product, service or what your program is. But it’s what’s most appropriate, and generally, the best kind of approach that I would recommend because it does vary from client to client, but the best approach I would recommend is to think okay let’s think how we can capture people’s email addresses because no matter what you’re really selling, a great way to really establish a relationship aside from obviously aside from their Facebook page is getting their email address. So if you can be building a Facebook page and at the same time growing an email list, that’s going to serve you well for whatever you’re selling. The reason why I tell people that is that you don’t expect to go to Facebook and make immediate sales. Facebook is a relationship platform so it’s like dating a woman, you date them first, take them out and you get a fair exchange in the relationship before you get to that point. It’s very much the same in terms of marketing, you want to be wooing your customers and Facebook marketing can be a great way to woo your customers especially if you have a high priced product to service, don’t be expecting that you’re going to get straight conversions right away. It’s got to be framed at the right way and the relationship has got to start at the right foot, they have to get an idea on the kind of community that you’re cultivating on Facebook., they have to be able to identify with that community so that’s why Facebook pages is absolutely essential to get that right and for me the success of Facebook ads is totally intertwined with Facebook pages and using the platform in its entirety rather than just popping on some random ads for a couple of months and sending them to your website. That’s not the best approach, you want to start creating a great presence for your brand in Facebook and there’s no better time to do that than now.

 James: You mentioned building up the rapport between the business or the individual and the target audience, what do you advocate in terms of good content to post about on Facebook and what sort of frequency should that content be posted at?

 Victoria: Short posts are the best, people are really just wanting quick interaction, so it doesn’t mean that their mainly was, people just like to quickly scan something, seeing the news, say oh, yes, and then evoke a response in them. So the way it can evoke a response is it can be a question you ask to them, it can be a quick direction, you would see many of those post pages that things that ask that you like directly, they’re okay to interweave into your schedule once in a while, you don’t want to be doing those all the time, they can get a bit tiring. If you can get more original content then do, but try and limit yourself to two lines, try and make it a question, a thought starter, a handy and relevant fact, funny is always good, there’s a lot of people sharing funny videos and pictures and all that kind of stuff, the reason why they are so ubiquitous is because they work. I was just having a look actually at a website yesterday and most shared photos. The ten most liked photos in Facebook last year were at a commonality and aside from the fact that the top 2 were from Obama because of the election, what was the common trait among those was that they were emotion pictures of him and Michelle Obama embracing and one was actually a photo of him and her 20 years ago and she or obviously her social media managers had put on there and you that you know, after twenty years she’s still got great smiles or canning a human element to someone who obviously is a celebrity and is a very well-known figure in world and that’s why he sort of has a global reach and power.  The rest are music celebrities, you know like Gaga and others, it is very American leaning actually, as most of the users are in the US but what you can see is that with those there were big musicians and celebrities, all of the photos have an emotion human element to them, another one that comes to mind is Shakira posting a photo at her Facebook page, the likes that these photos get just blow my mind. She had posted a photo of herself pregnant. So even though they are celebrities they are creating this sort of human element and if you can do that with your brand in whatever way, tied in to some sort of human emotion or story, then that really get attention on Facebook and really forge a relationship.

 James: So these things that we can take lessons from in terms of actual page set up as well, should we be looking for emotive type of pictures for the timeline cover image and the profile picture? Do you follow the same kind of recommendations?

 Victoria: Yeah, absolutely! The great thing since timeline was introduced nearly a year ago is that you can be changing your timeline as often as you want. Keeping it fresh, seasonal, relative to your promotional and marketing calendar, move it as much as you would if you have a physical store, and many listeners here might have clients like that that have a physical store. We know that you need to be changing window frequently if you are a retailer for example, keeping it fresh, inviting people in and making them feel that there is something exciting to be heard on your Facebook page. And you can really bring it to life with those branding elements so I absolutely recommend that you incorporate that new imagery rather than just having boring logos and and headshots. Just sharing that interaction with friends and highlighting whatever event, you know making it two ways, and then people say that’s all well and good, how do we then make money from it? If you create that following on Facebook, that’s a ready-made audience that you could be tapping into with Facebook ads. So people have seen a lot of conjecture as well about Facebook ads showing my posts don’t match anymore. You know what, welcome to that world, let’s face it, Facebook had an amazing platform, and even if you are paying cost a fraction of traditional media, like people working in ad agencies would know, what a great opportunity for brands, it still is cheap and effective and a highly targeted form of media that you can be reaching all of those fans using ads. So it doesn’t really matter if you aren’t reaching a hundred percent of people’s needs organically, you can reach them with the Facebook ad platform and it’s really really powerful, and it doesn’t have to be excluding traditional media, you can weave it in beautifully with your traditional media and that just strengthens everything. But I think what most of my clients are finding good even is rather than spending more on Facebook, shifting their media spend from other channels to Facebook is giving them a much bigger return.

 James: This is all trackable right? I mean especially with the most recent announcement from Facebook that we can test or track conversions directly in the Facebook platform, we should get a good indication actually what ROI Facebook is giving us I guess.

 Victoria: Yeah, absolutely! I mean that’s the interesting thing especially talking with many offline clients still suspect about Facebook particularly, I mean I’m in Australia so if you talk to an Australian client, definitely some of the clients down here are unfamiliar and should I say scared of Facebook and don’t believe that it has an ROI and it’s quite interesting and I was like sorry I think I just saw you buy a full page in Metro Press last week and last time I checked it’s very difficult to measure that ROI on a newspaper ad, how many people would exactly see it and purchase if you’re not tracking that online. And how many years have people been putting money into that because at the end of the day, marketing and advertising done well works. So we don’t need to argue the point there, this way you have the ability to actually have ads and pages track how many people are visiting your page, clicking on your ad, and if  you go get them to your website, you have your conversion resources there to see how that converts for you whether there or on Facebook, then you can absolutely track your ROI if you have an online business, or even if you have an offline business, getting leads or tracking Facebook likes, Facebook give you so much information for free, it’s a great kind of brand health check as well and an excellent source of free market research. You can test ideas, new products, ask questions, all those sort of things that you used to have to hold together focus groups that cost tens of thousands of dollars before. This is something that you can be leveraging for free and in my mind, what marketer wouldn’t want that?

 James: Absolutely! And one of the great things that I like about Facebook is that they are always innovating and coming up with new stuff. What’s some of the stuff that’s really working right now on Facebook?

 Victoria: Well, as I said, I really like integrating ads with the pages and over the last 4 to six months, I’m using page post ads so a lot of people would probably think promotion posts, where you can post on your page and click promote at the bottom of your page and that goes to fans and supposed friends of fans and that strategy is fine but there is a much more targeted way to get really cheap clicks and get some good cut through on Facebook and that is using page post ads. And in order to do that you need to create a nice two line post preferably with an image or link or video, and then go into your ads manager and choose your Facebook page as the destination then click on promote a page post and then you’ll get a drop down of all your recent posts. So choose the one that you’ve created an image and obviously a good call to action in that post and there can be a link to a website. So whether you want to have that as a page that you put in on your Facebook page or what we call your Facebook app where you can take web content and add it to your Facebook page in one of those little squares at the timeline, or you have another landing page, so put a link in there and add your call to action and then you can turn that into an ad using all the beautiful targeting options that you have with regular ads. The reason why this works better is that you get firstly more real estate in Facebook with these ads, you get bigger ads and you also have the ability for them to show up on people’s news page rather than just on the site of the news page. So you’re getting more real estate and more exposure, it also looks less like an ad so that tends to appeal if structured the right way, it gets more clicks, which we all know the more clicks you get on your Facebook ads, the less you will end up paying as a cost per click, so I recommend that as a really good strategy to get traffic on an actual landing page or website. Eventually you give thought about the type of landing page you want to use, keep it very clear and one clear function or outcome that is really obvious. Don’t bombard users with too much information on one page otherwise they won’t take any action. To make it really simple for them to take an action whether it be entering an email, whether it be entering for a contest, downloading a white paper or a report, all of those things work really, really well and you can be driving a ton of traffic at an average cost per click of anywhere from 2 cents to sort of 50 cents each and it still is really, really good and fair, safe to say on Facebook. That would be my strategy and what I would be recommending. It might not work in another three months, I think more and more people are tapping into it but in the last few months it’s been an amazing success for the firm and my clients .

 James: Fantastic! And what about the landing page itself? I guess we have the option to send that traffic off Facebook to a website or keep it on Facebook with a tab you suggested. Is there a preference, should we split test or are you finding that one is just outperforming the other right now?

 Victoria: I love keeping the pages on Facebook but one of the limitations to that is that some of the Facebook apps can have bugs with certain browsers so say, you know, God forbid, they’re using Internet Explorer, I know some people do use the browser and I don’t know why, it’s like using Yahoo for search, Internet explorer does have some issues with the apps and sometimes videos if you’re on that landing page it can be slow to load and things like that so that can affect your conversions, but I prefer to keep things in Facebook I think it sort of nice that you keep that consistency and generally you get triple clicks by keeping it on Facebook. If you have a highly converting landing page already, and you’ll start driving it to that you’ll find that it should translate to Facebook, if not do more. So one of my clients has been running a hundred thousand dollars in Google ad, that’s to a landing page, and the landing page converts better on Facebook than it does on Google too, you’d think that Facebook can be just as good if not better and even more better for sure because it’s cheaper. So pretty cool!

 James: Interesting stuff! Good. Victoria I always get confused between a page post ad, a sponsored ad and a promoted post. Can you give us some overview between those different options because there are multiple ways that you can advertise on Facebook?

 Victoria: Yes, the main choices are you can use the regular ads which is the one most people are familiar with and you see on the right had side of your screen. They have small picture a 100 pixel by 71 pixels high with a headline and four lines of text and when people click on them they can go to a URL maybe on Facebook but also may be off. They’re not really a seller ad, they’re designed mainly that when people click on them it gets them to a landing page. What they then discover is why do we want to send traffic off Facebook? We’d rather be making more ads like the rest of the platform so that people will be less disgruntled, it’s all about enhancing the user experience. So they wanted to make ads that look like they were meant to be there and where they are helping people find the things that their friends are interested in. so what I love about those ads is that you can use a page post ad which is what I just described before where you create a post and then you go into your ads manager and use the traditional ads creation techniques and targeting to create a page post ad. A promotion post is just clicking promote at the bottom of your post. Not all pages have this option; you have to have at least 400 fans to have this option come up. The reason why this was created, this came about shortly after the IPO, they’re obviously looking to increase their revenue as quickly as possible and what their finding is just Facebook users who as Facebook customers are completely daunted by the ads manager in creating an ad in that kind of environment. So they created basically, as this is an easy button for just people who just want to press one button and away they go. That shows up in people’s news feeds only, it doesn’t put an actual ad on the side of the page, it shows up in news feeds but they also spin it out to, if you select an option, to what they say are friends of friends. What happens is that they’ll serve that in very low end or cheap market so you’ll find some kind of foreign people seeing those kinds of ads. You might and a lot of people comment on my website about how you’re getting spam on your promoted post and that came about because a lot of people are saying that they are choosing friends of fans as the option to promoting to, although you can do some extra targeting in terms of that, you’re still not taking advantage of what you could be on Facebook so the promoted post can be easy you know, just chop $20 and that you’ve got 20,000 people to see your post. It’s still better to put the $20 to post a page post ad in my opinion so I would be using page post ads over promoted posts. The last one there that you talked about is promoted stories. What Facebook recently done is created automatic sponsored stories when we create an ad. This is to give you added exposure and news feeds exposure and the sponsored stories really I’m sure most people have seen them there are social ads so for example it’s your page James and the sponsored story showed up at my news feed it would show me at my friend’s Facebook that liked your page. It would show as James likes James Reynolds or James liked a page at James Reynold’s page or an app or a video or a link you shared. So it’s trying to amplify that friend activity so that we’d naturally get curious about what people we know do so it’s part of this inbuilt layers and social brief in there, and also they are a lot cheaper than regular ads because they enhance the user experience, so that’s the brief overview and I know some people would be just like, what? But it is very complicated and I do live in a world of Facebook so it makes sense to me but I understand that it may not make perfect sense to everyone else.

 James: Well I’ve got it from the explanation Victoria, it was spot on and perfect! It’s interesting that you touched upon something there. Facebook advertising to a novice can be quite complex based on all the different options that are available. Do you probably see from time to time big mistakes being made? What would some of those big mistakes be?

 Victoria: People who are creating ads just go to their website homepage especially if their website homepage isn’t really optimized for conversion to lead to more sales is a big mistake and one I see frequently. People using really poor image in their market ads or their page post ads just using images that are smaller than the actual size being given, or they’re blurry, or they’re not really relevant to the landing page or perhaps the message isn’t really relevant to the landing page. One of the big ones I see is targeted copy. They have not used the targeting in the ads correctly so I might see an ad that says for example do you live in Sydney and plays football and I’m like I clearly do not leave in Sydney my profile does not say that at all, or perhaps there is a date and they let the ad run on, you know just sort of sloppy mistakes just like that I see a lot from people, I think one of their disadvantages to Facebook ads compared to traditional media is that even though every ad is manually approved, the quality control can be a little lax sometimes and you can see really just dodgy quality there and people are going to be seeing ads that don’t really make sense and are not targeted. And even if Facebook ads are cheap that’s just a waste of money so … Yeah those are really most of the mistakes I see.

 James: I think most people listening to this podcast would resonate with that and that better use of their time would be to actually employ an agency or know this stuff and keep up to date with all the latest trends in Facebook in which there are many of course. What would in your mind be the next trend in Facebook, what would you see coming up next?

 Victoria: that is a good question actually, I think we are going to see the impact of, this is not a major prediction, I have seen this in action and this is probably their strategy and either someone looking at the crystal ball but we’ll probably be seeing the new grass search coming out, you may have accessed it to your profile as now it’s in testing. I was lucky enough to see it last week, and if it comes, cause one of the things that Facebook doesn’t do well, which is probably a lot of people are aware of, is search. So when you are trying to search in Facebook, it’s just totally painful. Even trying to search for someone you know is very difficult so they really haven’t got search ironed out and I think they know that and this grass search is to A – address that but also B to create a whole lot of new social advertising opportunity. So what it basically does is that you can pop in grass search restaurants for example, so it’s going to come up with the restaurants of your friends liked or checked in to so but it has this layer of social element a little bit like what Google will do on Google Plus. It’s trying to make it more of a one stop shop so there is less need for you to go to Google and Facebook’s number 2 and obviously they’d love to be number one, I doubt they can do it but it will be great if they can improve that sort of search landscape on Facebook and that creates a whole lot of advertising opportunities that were not previously there. You know being able to have sponsored feeds when people search for restaurants in grass search is pretty powerful. And that creates a whole new target advertising in there that is obviously more keen to what we can do in Google but that to me is pretty exciting, getting to involve products like that so that grass search is what I am pretty excited about. Those things like the actual advertising products may not come out for another year and that depends, I’m pretty sure they are rushing things as quickly as they can, one of the things they come up against is resistance to change on Facebook and people slow to change because people find it very difficult to work out their English the new features and work out with it, I don’t think people will get as angry as changes in Google as they would in Facebook. Facebook is the place where they can get really angry about change. To me it’s not just something I’m thinking they might do this, they’re doing it, it’s exciting and I think it’s the next logical evolution for Facebook ads. Obviously they need to expand their revenue and maintain the user experience, and I like that philosophy, I think that that’s what makes it a valuable place for marketers. It’s a place that people want to spend their time and you know when you think of one of the largest populations, China is not even on Facebook yet, so there’s a lot of options to go even bigger on Facebook. Obviously China has limitations in terms of how many of that population would be participating and how relevant that is to the western world, but the potential is still really mammoth and I really believe in the platform. You know people can be like, oh no what are you doing in the business, Facebook might not be there next year! To me that’s just not, I mean obviously, Australia doesn’t thrive around that, but to me I just can’t see that happening. I think it’s just woven into our social environment now and hopefully it stays that way.

 James: I’m sure it will though, I think it’s firmly placed there now. So you heard it first, grass search, check that out, sounds very interesting. Fantastic! Victoria, I think we should probably close things out there, we’ve mentioned your website a couple of times, is that the best place for people to go out and find out more about you?

 Victoria: Yeah, on there I’ve got quite a few blog posts, a couple of years’ worth really of just, there’s a lot of information that people can access there. I’ve also got a Facebook page which is people can ask me questions while on the page and interact with me as well there. I’m always present interacting with my fans as I recommend with my clients. And there’s also a video series that I do on which people might get some more information on using page posts and promotes posts and that’s at, so you might want to pop that in below the podcast wherever that is, but hopefully people can go and access as much values as they can from my web presence and of course I do campaign management, as well as coaching so if you are looking to hone your skills into this area, I can definitely help you with that too so feel free to reach out.

 James: Thank you well I’ll make sure those links are placed in the show notes beneath this recording so they can pop over and find you there. Victoria, thank you for your time and I hope to catch up with you again soon.

 Victoria: Great! Thanks James

 Okay, so this week’s news in traffic: first item, Facebook as reintroduced their conversion tracking to the ads manager now this means you can now track conversion that originate from your Facebook advertising right from inside your ads manager panel. Facebook have tried conversion tracking in the past, but for a long time it has been unavailable. Many had to rely on external software or Google Analytics Goals to track your conversions from Facebook. Facebook conversion tracking works in the same way as conversion tracking inside Google Adwords, and that Facebook give you a piece of code that  you paste on your website’s thank you page that appears after a purchase or opt in and when a visit occurs to that page, a conversion is measured. This reintroduced feature has been missing and it really is the welcome addition to Facebook ads. That said, I also suggest you track via Google Analytics Goals as this will give you a secondary measurement, perhaps a more rounded view of Facebook conversions comparative to other traffic sources inside Google Analytics.

 In other news, Google have released version 24 of Google Panda. Panda is the series of algorithm updates focused on weeding out poor quality websites that appear high in the search results and they should probably deserve to be. Google reckon only about 1.2% of queries have been affected and if your site has good quality content on it and delivers a good user experience then you should probably have not experienced any dip in results.

 So how do you stay safe? Try some of these things: you might want to focus on creating a quality website and that means rich media on your site, lots of pictures, quality audios and videos really help make a really good strong user experience.

 Also, look at your navigation, try and make it as simple as possible, making sure that your users find the content that they want to find quickly and easily. Also look at things like footer links and also removing any extreme volume of ads that might appear on your site. These are all things that are going to harm you in the Panda era. So the lesson is, create a website with lots of rich quality media, multiple pages and focus on building your authority.

 Wherever you’re listening to this and whatever your area of interest is when it comes to traffic I would love to receive your questions so head on over to and we’ve got two places where you can send us a message, the first is the send voicemail button which appears on the right hand side of the screen, you can literally just speak into that and we’ll pick the audio up for featuring on future episodes and we’ve also got a leave a message button at the top of the screen, that’s a good old text input, just pop your question in there and I’d love to answer that in the coming weeks.

 Also, if you’ve enjoyed this podcast leave us a comment over at the website or if you’re listening on iTunes we’d love to get your review or recommendation so head on over to iTunes and pop in your review over there.

 This week’s one minute traffic tip: Now conversion tracking has been featured on the show numerous times today so I’m going to stay right on theme here. Whatever channel you’re using to drive traffic to your site, use Google Analytics tracking links in combination with Google Analytics Goals.  What’s the process? Well, instead of pointing a link to your clean URL use, Google Analytics tracking links to essentially add a modify to the end of your URL which in turn allows Google Analytics to recognize the exact traffic source which you can track down to source, medium, campaign type and a few other variables. When you use Google Analytics packing links in combination with Goals, you’ll quickly be able to see what specific traffic sources are resulting in conversions and once you know which traffic sources are resulting in conversions, what do you do? You just do more of it.

 Alrighty, that’s it for episode one, remember to leave me a comment and head over to iTunes and leave a review, what’s more, if you leave us a review I’ll be sure to mention you on next week’s show, so that’s it for now. Playing us out this week is another track by Paul Thomas and this one is called Buzz Killington. Enjoy!






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About James Reynolds

James is passionate about helping you get more traffic and sales from search engines. Join 3223+ subscribers who get traffic tips from James weekly