Kiss Goodbye To Lacklustre Advertising With My Top Five Tips For Better Adwords Ads

7/8/2013 with

Have that one stand out ad that just gets all the clicks and conversions. With these five neat tips, you can have a higher resulting ad that no one can resist too!

In this Video:

00:13 – Tip#1 – Be Unique
00:34 – Tip#2 – Include a Strong Call to Action
00:47 – Tip#3 – Have Search Terms Included
01:06 – Tip#4 – Include Deals & Exclusives
01:23 – Tip#5 – Match Ads and Landing Page
01:47 – The ClickJam Way

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Are you suffering from lackluster Google Ads with a low click through rate? Here are my top 5 tips for more effective ads.

Tip #1 is spell out what makes your product or service different. In a sea of competition, you want to stand out so be the orange in a bowl of apples so that when your prospects try to make a comparison between you and the competition, they can’t because you’ve got a unique selling proposition.

Orange in a bowl of apples VERAVO

Tip#2 is tell customers what to do now. You want to have a strong call to action. Bold instructions like Call Us or Get Access Now increase click through rate.

Tip#3 is include your search terms in your ad text. You see when your prospects are doing a search and they land up on the results and see your ad with the exact term in it that they just searched, it becomes much more relevant to them and thus they’re more likely to click on your ads.

Tip#4 is include deals and exclusives. You see, people generally search looking to make a decision so if you have a deal or an offer that will help them make that decision faster and realize that you are the choice, include it in your ad text.

Tip#5 is match your ad text to your landing page. If prospects click on your ad, reach your site, and then they don’t find what they’re looking for, they will click the back button and your ad will be wasted. So make sure that your ad text really summarizes what you want people to find on your website.

Okay, so there you go, there are five strategies you can use to increase the effectiveness of your Google ads. Of course, an agency like ours,, has many more strategies than this up our sleeves. We can typically increase click through rate and thus profit by 3, 4 or even 5 times when we take accounts over. So if those sound like the numbers that get you excited, please contact us at This has been James Reynolds for another Google Adwords pay per click news here at, I’ll see you back here for another training real soon!

About James Reynolds

James is passionate about helping you get more traffic and sales from search engines. Join 3223+ subscribers who get traffic tips from James weekly