How To Utilize The Google Search Page Changes To Gain More Clicks

21/11/2013 with

As you may have noticed, there have been changes in the Google Search Results page, but aside from the different look, as a website owner, you should take this as an opportunity to funnel more clicks to your site, and on this video, James tells you how.


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In this Video:

00:15 – The New Google Search Results Page
00:36 – What Has Changed Recently?
01:08 – What This Means For Us
01:37 – Change To Google+ for Business
02:04 – Extra Information Shown In Results
02:17 – This Adds To Site Authority
2:33 – Get More Chances To Show In Google Maps
2:54 – Your Action Item


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There have been some pretty significant updates to the Google search results page, I’ll tell you what they are and how to take advantage of them so that you get more clicks to your website.

So it seems that Google may be changing the design of the search results page. I actually reported four, maybe five weeks ago when the testing is being rolled out on mobile devices however that same testing now seems to have been extended on a larger scale to desktop devices as well. What are these changes? It’s really a merging in terms of design format between the Google Adwords sponsored results and the organic results. Both styles of results now are against a white background where as previously of course those results at the top of the results page of the sponsored ads is one that is kind of yellow or orangey box. That’s now been removed and replacing that to distinguish what’s an ad and what’s on organic results next to the ad, they’ve got this little ads tab, small and yellow, but it really does blend well the design. So what does this mean?

I think it perhaps means a bit of a swinging of the pendulum back towards the advertisers. It may increase click throughs on their ads just because the design format between the organic results and the paid results are less distinguishable. So keep your eyes peeled when the update happens near you. At the moment I have seen it at and .com extensions of Google but it may be rolling out to other countries as well.

girl staring at her reflection

And the second update is that the search results listings for organic search results have now got a lot richer in information with the introduction of Google+ pages for business. My agency, SEO Sherpa has just had their Google places page upgraded automatically to a Google+ page for Business.

And with that, the search result listing for SEO Sherpa now has some extra information shown. You’ll now see a link to our Google+ page plus you’ll see a number listed for a number of reviews that we’ve had on our Google+ page. I think this is excellent! It really adds to the quality and level of authority that is shown for our result. And I have no doubt that this is going to increase the number of people that click on our result as opposed to the next one. What you’ll also see is an increase in the likelihood your website – your company will be shown in the Google maps listing that appears top right hand corner of the search results. This is something that we’ve apparently experienced in SEO Sherpa in the past week or so since our page was upgraded and this is also available to you.

So my strong suggestions is as an action item to you this week is go and claim your Google+ page for Business. Not only will you get all of the added extras of having a social platform integration and having a Google+ page for your business but you’ll also get the increase in results that will happen from your result having a stronger, richer content of information as well. So that’s your action item this week. Let me know how you get on, post your comments in the comments section beneath this video and I look forward to welcoming you back here real soon with another SEO tip and training. This has been James Reynolds at

About James Reynolds

James is passionate about helping you get more traffic and sales from search engines. Join 3223+ subscribers who get traffic tips from James weekly