Google suggest keywords which is why it’s a girl…. that’s all! Do you care to disagree? The TrafficToons take a funny ole look at all things digital. We publish a ‘toon’ once per week and you can check out more of them here.
With 40,000 searches per second worldwide, we’re all doing a lot of Googling! Even if you think you’re an old hand at Google and make countless searches every month, we bet even you do not know all of these fabulous Google search tips. Who knew Google could also be a dictionary, countdown timer or calculator, […]
Martin Shervington knows more than a thing or two about Google Plus. Referenced by Guy Kawasaki as “one of the most clever people in social media” and by Chris Brogan, author of Google Plus for Business as his go to guy, you know this Brit has got this Google+ thing sussed. With more than 340,000 Google+ followers […]
When searching Google you’ve no doubt seen the small pictures that appear next to search listings, but do you know what they are or how and when they appear? Thankfully my guest today knows all about Google Authorship and its affect on the search and social webs. Mark Traphagen of Stone Temple Consulting is quite […]
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