The Traffictoon series takes a humorous look at SEO, PPC, Social Media and other online stuff. Find more Traffictoons like this here! Please like and share and leave your comments below
This is what some SEO’s would like you to believe! A rich, complex scientific equation that only they have the answer to. The Traffictoon series takes a humorous look at SEO, PPC, Social Media and other online stuff. Find more Traffictoons like this here! What do you think are the REAL secrets to ranking well on the […]
This traffictoon was inspired by the amazing story of a lady stranded alone on a deserted island for 7 years. Gemma Sheridan’s boat hit a storm in the Pacific ocean and her 2 friends were thrown overboard. She and her boat drifted for 17 days until she hit another storm which knocked her unconscious. She […]
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