TJ49 – Conversion Strategies That Transform Leaky Websites in to Websites That Sell ~ Peep Laja

7/10/2014 with

James Reynolds Interviews Peel Laja from Conversion XL

If you are hosing traffic at your website and it’s full of holes, you are leaking money, probably lots of it. Peep Laja uses the analogy that your website is like a bucket and that you need to plug the holes in it to stop visitors, leads and sales leaking away. There are literally thousands of […]

How Well Do You Know Your Marketing Numbers?

5/11/2013 with

Not knowing your marketing numbers really well may often mean losing money down in to the drain. All the efforts that you put in your marketing strategy will prove worthless if you do not know what is the outcome you get and if you have the right balance of things. So you get a clear […]

Google Adwords + Google Analytics Equals Better Business Decisions

31/7/2013 with

Don’t be in the dark when it comes to knowing what your website visitors are doing when they visit your site. There is one neat trick that allows you to know exactly what happens.   In this Video: 00:15 – Google Adwords Front End Data 00:36 – Great Backend Data Too! 00:52 – What Happens […]