Crafting Your User’s Journey

14/10/2013 with

More than just making sure your landing page and your links are relevant, you also want to make your website visitor’s journey relevant. This means making his browsing experience in your site something where he can take something out of it so he eventually becomes a customer.   In this Video: 00:12 – One Word […]

No Follow Links: How and When To Use Them

24/9/2013 with

It is good to be associated to people or associations that are authorities in your line of business, but be careful with link exchanges as Google might view them negatively.   Click HERE to download the MP3 and full PDF transcript In this Video: 00:14 – We Found These From Our Client Audit 00:27 – […]

Google Disavow Tool Usage Tips from SEO Expert Dubai

4/6/2013 with

Got some links that do more harm to your site than good? This SEO expert Dubai businesses trust shares some of the most important steps to correct this and get your site up the ranks again.   In this Video: 00:12 – Reactions to Penguin 00:45 – What are desirable links? 01:23 – AHRefs and […]