TJ72 – Micro Content Marketing: The Quick and Easy Content Creation Technique That Delivers Your Message Fast ~ Jake Burkett

30/6/2015 with

A study done by Microsoft has concluded that humans now have shorter attention spans than goldfish. As marketers, we need to find the balance between providing substantial information that can move our audience to action, and instant comprehension within an all too small 8-second window. The solution to that is micro content marketing. But what […]

TJ71 – Co-Authored Content: 40,000 Words That Established A Personal Brand ~ Aaron Agius

23/6/2015 with

Conventional thinking would dictate that you should get full credit for a 40,000 word blog post when you wrote it. You write, you get the reward. This was not (entirely) the case for Aaron Agius however when he wrote tens of thousands of words for His name didn’t appear as the author, and he […]

TJ38 – LinkedIn Strategies To Grow Your Network and Business with Viveka von Rosen

27/5/2014 with

The social media site to build your professional connections, expand your network and grow your business is LinkedIn. Episode 38 brings LinkedIn specialist Viveka von Rosen from Linked In To Business to Traffic Jam as she shares some of her best strategies for engaging and growing a network using LinkedIn. Viveka, known as the LinkedIn […]

TJ35 – Google Plus Your Business Reach: Engagement Strategies For Your G+ Circles with Martin Shervington

24/4/2014 with

Martin Shervington knows more than a thing or two about Google Plus. Referenced by Guy Kawasaki as “one of the most clever people in social media” and by Chris Brogan, author of Google Plus for Business as his go to guy, you know this Brit has got this Google+ thing sussed. With more than 340,000 Google+ followers […]

TJ34 – Inbound Marketing: Using Other People’s Audiences As The Source For No Sales Force with Eric Enge

13/4/2014 with

Eric Enge requires no sales force. His successful digital consultancy Stone Temple Consulting gets 100% of its customers from inbound marketing. No cold calling, no hard sales just a steady stream of prospects picking up the phone and asking “how do we get started?” How does Eric create such a predictable flow of sales enquiries […]