Traffictoon#63 – Better Chat on Twitter – Character Counting Conversations

13/2/2015 with

Have you ever gone out with someone who just wouldn’t know when to stop talking? And just like this man on the picture, did you wish that the conversation would have a limit that is the same as the twitter character count which is 140? Are people so used to being alone and used to […]

Traffictoon#56 – Hashtag: Use it Right or Not At All!

21/12/2014 with

While they used to be seen most often on Twitter, every major social network now uses hashtags to help them categorise posts and organise discussions. Hashtags are a way of turning your posts into clickable links so that others with an interest in the same topic can find your post. By using the hashtag in […]

Traffictoon#43 – I Do Solemnly Declare That My Post to Twitter …

4/9/2014 with

“Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you tweet the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?” Remember what you post to Twitter, and other social media is public information! So, if you don’t want your ‘update’ to be found in the future, don’t update your social media in the present. What have you posted to social media […]

Traffictoon#35 – Anti Social Media

5/6/2014 with

Before Facebook, Twitter and the likes, socializing meant going out with friends and having a good time in the real-world. Do you think that social media has made us all more anti-social?

Traffictoon#33 – To Tweet or Not To Tweet

22/5/2014 with

If Shakespeare had Twitter, what would he have his Tweets looked like? Incidentally, we found out @Shakepeare has a Twitter account, have a blast reading through his tweets by clicking here. The Traffictoon series takes a funny look at all things online, from social media to search we make fun of it all.  Get more Traffictoons […]