TJ22 – SEO: Inside Inbound and The Factors Affecting Search Marketing In 2013 With Rand Fishkin

3/11/2013 with

The first Traffic Jam search engine optimisation episode has been along time coming. The wait is finally over. My guest on episode 22 is Rand Fishkin the CEO of, the founder of and possibly the most prominent SEO in our industry. Rand and the team at Moz are at the forefront of search marketing research. Moz through their […]

August 25, 2013 – Week 35 Summary

25/8/2013 with

In this week’s summary, find out what the SEO basket has to do with this week’s SEO tip, and what Adwords tip you can do for as little as two minutes but still get better results.   This week has also seen the launch of the funny side of SEO, PPC and everything related to […]

Google’s Number 1 Ranking Factor Disclosed?

19/8/2013 with

In a recent interview, Matt Cutts has revealed the factors that affect ranking in Google. It’s quite a long interview, so we’ve narrowed it down and summarized it for you.   In this Video: 00:16 – Matt Cutts Interview at 00:36 – Focus#1  Start With Your Website 00:54 – Focus#2 Build Your Authority 01:16 […]

August 18, 2013 – Week 34 Summary

18/8/2013 with

It’s back to basics week with a recall on how Google Search works. Also featured this week  is a cool new Ad position launched by Google Adwords that is sure to show prominence for your adverts. Google is the most popular search engine, but we still get asked how Google search works, so here’s a […]

How Google Works

13/8/2013 with

“Voodoo, black-box, wizadry”……. these are all words I have heard used to describe the somewhat mysterious way that Google and the practice of search engine optimisation works. Whilst to an outsider how Google works may seem complex and mysterious, when you break it down it is actually quite simple. Here is what happens when you […]