September 15, 2013 – Week 38 Summary

15/9/2013 with

Week 38 has seen the army, death and traffic and we are not talking about a war. Just what these refer to, get a complete picture of this week’s news, tips, and podcast.

man suprised by phoenix

We don’t get usually excited when we receive news of death, but when the Google decided to “kill” the Keyword Tool, the SEO community is buzzing with the new Keyword Planner that replaced it, and we too are eager to tell you what we think about it.

Find out more, watch the review here.



man working infront of computer


We have a goldmine of an update in Adwords news; it is now a lot easier to track offline conversions that stem from your adwords.

Don’t be left behind, find out how here.



TJ with James and Mark Schaeffer WATERMARKED

This week in Traffic Jam, Mark Schaefer tells us how to be an influence in your field and draw a huge following who would want you and your services.

Get all the good tips from Mark by tuning in to the podcast here.



Salvation Army Penguin 2.0 Recovery


It is always to good to end the week with lots of laughter, and in this week’s toon, we capture the Salvation Army’s ranking problems.

View past Traffictoon episodes here for endless fun and laughter.