Importance Of Branding In Marketing Online

10/1/2011 with

Today we’re talking to John Morgan. John is a branding and marketing specialist who helps entrepreneurs build their personal brand and create a community of raving fans. John has worked with some of the largest brands in the world and has worked with Fortune 500 companies, TV stars to entrepreneurs just starting out.

James Reynolds and John Morgan

Want better clients? Build a better brand. John is just the person to show you how.


Branding Vs Direct Response

John advocates branding over direct response marketing, because unlike direct response which relies on you putting your marketing out there to get a result, when you have an established brand opportunities come to you whether you are aggressively pushing for them or not. John says that even if you are not aware of it you will be building a brand as a direct response marketer.

The money is NOT in the list

To many internet marketers a list is just a number. You must remember that those receiving your email are real people and thus you should be building a real relationship with them. You want people to be looking forward to your next blog post or email.

How to build your brand

Give before you ask for something. Prove to people that your information is good and once they become interested find a place to engage with them. Social media or blogs are great for this.  If you give first, when you come to sell something it won’t seem like you are pushing a product as you have helped your audience out in the beginning.

Build your brand around your company and yourself?

We all want to do business with people, therefore if a brand is faceless we are less loyal to that brand.  Having a strong personal brand will allow you to move between industries whist your brand remains true. It is also important however to build the brand of your business incase you want to sell that business later. It is important therefore to build both.

brand word in letterpress type


How to build your personal brand

  • Put your personality out there. If you are funny, be funny, if you are serious be serious. Make sure your personality comes through as that is what people will relate to.
  • Put out great content. One of the main reasons people fail is their content is not good enough or is not what their audience wants.
  • Stand for something. The quickest way to build a brand is to be an “anti” hero within your industry. Take a stance and show people the way things should be done in your market.


Visibility Vs Credibility

Visibility gets you in the door, credibility keeps you there.  Opportunities won’t fall your way if no one knows who you are. For that reason John says visibility is more important.

Johns expert action steps…

  1. Be aware of your brand. Everything you do either enhances or diminishes your personal brand.
  2. Put out great content and deliver real value to your audience.
  3. Make sure you are in your marketing as people want to do people.

To find out more about John visit his blog

About James Reynolds

James is passionate about helping you get more traffic and sales from search engines. Join 3223+ subscribers who get traffic tips from James weekly