The SEO Method David Jenyns Interview

28/9/2011 with

David Jenyns has been quietly developing a systemised process for Search Engine Optimization in the highly competitive stock market niche, and his results are impressive.

Listen to the interview;-

James Reynolds and David Jenyns

In this podcast James asks some testing questions as David Jenyns reveals The SEO Method he uses for his own sites and the sites of others at his SEO agency in Melbourne.

In this podcast we cover;-

  • How the recent changes at Google (Google+, the Panda update) have affected the seo-scape and how you must adapt in your business.
  • How social factors are influencing the search results and what this will mean long-term for SEO as we know it.
  • The core fundamentals that really make a difference in the search engine rankings and how you can take advantage of them.
  • How to systemize the SEO process for maximum results.
  • How SEO and Social Media work together and what you should be prioritizing in your traffic campaign.
  • The killer strategies that Dave is using in his own business right now.
About James Reynolds

James is passionate about helping you get more traffic and sales from search engines. Join 3223+ subscribers who get traffic tips from James weekly