How To Maximize Revenue Per Sale

26/1/2014 with

My local grocer has one successful marketing strategy that made him beat all the other competitors in our area. It may sound simple, but you’ll have to agree it is one effective strategy that you can surely implement for you business too!


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In this Video:

00:09 – My Local Grocer
00:32 – His Sales Pattern
01:06 – Understanding Maximizing Revenue
01:25 – The Result For My Grocer
01:38 – How Can You Maximize From Your End?
02:00 – Leave Me A Comment

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You’re about to learn a traffic lesson from my local grocer, here it is.

I have got this grocery store just local to me that are kind of the 711 type store that and I would regularly call them up to order perhaps just a few items – perhaps some milk, some muesli, some eggs. However, by the end of the call I would have ordered far more than that, perhaps another 4 or 5 items that originally I had no intention of actually ordering.

man having his purchase over the phone

You see, this grocery shop owner has got a little bit of sales pattern. What he will do is he will allow me to finish my order, then he’ll pause for a second then he’ll ask me, how about some chocolate with that sir? He’ll probably get a no from me but then he’ll try again, he will say how about some fruit? If he still gets a no, he’ll try maybe how about some fizzy pop and he’ll repeat this process time and time again until he gets me to say yes to at least one or two additional items.

What my grocer understands is how to maximize revenue per customer and increase the profit from the customer base he already has. And because he does make more profit he can then go and reinvest that profit in to more marketing so that he then increases his customer base. There is absolutely no wonder in my mind how this grocer has increased his number of stores by double in just a few years; he literally occupies the whole neighborhood now with multiple stores. So my question to you is how can you maximize and implement this grocery store lesson in your own business and with your own traffic? How can you make more per customer visit so that you can go and reinvest those profits in to more traffic channels that perhaps are not available to your competitors because they don’t have the money to spend that you have. I’d love to know your thoughts, I’d love to know what you’d implement. Please post your comments beneath this video in the comments section below.

This has been James Reynolds from and I’ll see you back here with another traffic tip real soon!

About James Reynolds

James is passionate about helping you get more traffic and sales from search engines. Join 3223+ subscribers who get traffic tips from James weekly